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Hello! My name is Gergana Horozova

I’ve always been passionate about art, and it’s been a thrill to make a career out of my passion. I strive to inspire artists of all levels and ages to keep exploring new mediums and techniques. My goal is to nurture a community of artists who support and collaborate with each other, and I’m grateful to everyone who has been a part of my journey. If you’re looking to embark on your own creative journey, reach out to me to learn more about my offerings.

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Holding a Paintbrush

Learn to Paint 

At our Art School, we believe that artists of all ages and experience levels should have the opportunity to unlock their full potential. Our instructors will teach you the techniques you need to bring your paintings to life and inject them with energy and motion. We provide a supportive, friendly environment that encourages creativity and celebrates the progress of our students. Take a cart class with us and elevate your ability today.

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